The Palestine Issue : Historical Background & Contemporary ‎Developments - Revised and Updated Version 2022

The Palestine Issue : Historical Background & Contemporary ‎Developments - Revised and Updated Version 2022

توفر الكتاب: متوفر
يشحن في غضون:
المصدر: لبنان
This book seeks to present a comprehensive overview of the Palestine issue, its ‎historical background, as well as its modern and contemporary developments‏.‏
‎ The book, in a documented, methodical, and concise style, and in plain language, ‎delves into the history of Palestine from its early history throughout the Islamic era, ‎and the background of the emergence of the Zionist movement, as well as the British ‎occupation of Palestine and the founding of Israel.
‎ ‎ The book analyzes the various phases of the Palestine issue and its developments, ‎shedding light on the struggle of the Palestinian people, their uprisings and ‎revolutions, and the role of the Palestine Liberation Organization and its factions, as ‎well as the role of the Palestinian Islamic movements‏.‏
‎ The book places particular emphasis on the first decade of the twenty-first century, ‎so that the reader would be able to obtain a clear picture about many of the issues ‎related to the contemporary aspects of the Palestinian question‏.‏
‎ The revised edition of the book covers the period up to the year 2021, and ‎contains a large collection of pictures and maps to illustrate its points‏.‏
‎ The book is an important source for readers seeking to acquaint themselves with ‎the Palestine issue, and to become informed of the pertinent facts in a balanced ‎manner. It can also serve as an introduction to further studies of the Palestine issue‏.‏
تفاصيل الإصدار
دار النشر مركز الزيتونة للدراسات والاستشارات
سنة النشر 2022
الترقيم الدولي 9786144940204‎
اللغة إنكليزي
عدد الصفحات 290
عدد الأجزاء 1
الغلاف ورقي
القياس 17x24
توفر الكتاب: متوفر
يشحن في غضون:
المصدر: لبنان

التقييم والمراجعات