The dictionary is a very important and helpful tool for language learners. Learning words and their meanings is one of the most important steps in learning a language, for naturally one cannot communicate in a language without knowing its words and their meanings.
A dictionary can be useful in various types of activities that can help the learner in his language learning process. The understanding of words’ meanings is of course a major assistance that a dictionary can provide.
A dictionary is usually destined for a group of specific users, such as translators, children, or language learners for example, and therefore its content can vary from one group to another and the information concerning a word must be structured according to the learning level.
Therefore, a dictionary for beginners must necessarily offer a basic word list and the definitions must be clear, and precise and concise in order to make it easier to understand. The words used in the definition must also be simple and easy to understand.
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Modern English Dictionary For Students English - English - Arabic