As financial and economic chaos increasingly threatens the entire world, its leaders have only one answer:rigid adherence to the neoliberal polici... es that have proved so disastrous over 25 years-while they falsify statistics to try to shore up public illusions of "success" and seek to distract attention with a bogus "war on terror". But what this strategy of desperation can no longer conceal is the inability of self-regulated, profit- maximizing capitalism either to deliver minimum acceptable levels of economic security to the vast mass of the world's people or to avert ultimate financial crisis such as will bring ruin even to most of the privileged few. As this grim reality-manifested in chronic low growth, crumbling share values, bankrupt pension funds and unprecedented corporate failure and fraud-beings to dawn on the public, it must raise increasing doubts as to the sustainability of an economic order so long taken for granted. Shutt's The Trouble with capitalism was one of the first books to challenge the prevailing economic euphoria of the 1990s and foreshadowed many of the subsequent financial upheavals.In this timely sequel he explains the ongoing disaster as the inevitable consequence of trying to sustain an outmoded and dysfunctional system. He also outlines an agenda for radical reform based on the premise that the primacy of private profit is no longer compatible with the priorities of modern democracies.