This dictionary provides the answers to language queries-from the meanings of the latest new words to the correct grammatical construction to use-as well as essential facts about people and places in the news.
It's easy to find what you want:
-Every word that needs explaining is a main entry
-All entries whether for language or people and places or abbreviations are included in the one alphabetical list.
It's easy to understand:
-Definitions are written in a clear explanatory style.
-Meanings are numbered.
-Modern meanings come first.
-Specialist and technical meanings are labelled.
It includes everything you need:
-Spellings shown in full.
-Usage notes for guidance.
-Encyclopedic entries.
It's a great source of information:
-Dates are shown for people.
-Population figures for places.
-Word histories show the century the word entered English.
-Pronunciations are shown in the International Phonetic Alphabet.
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Collins York : Concise Dictionary