Before the eyes of innocent children, the horrible atrocities of the occupation are exposed. Despite the fact that children constitute more than half of Palestinian society, they are deprived from most of their rights; a dignified living, good health, safe environment, education, shelter and good nutrition. Israeli aggression is ruining the children’s families and friends, its missiles and bulldozers have been destroying their homes and their schools. Above all, they might find themselves as targets for the occupation’s fire; hence, they get killed, injured and detained. All of this happens at a time while we think that the world has become civilized and no cruel colonization could ever still exist.
This book is the third in Am I Not a Human? series. Al-Zaytouna Centre seeks to give a full picture of the suffering under the Israeli occupation. This book addresses minds and hearts in an academic, systematic and documented context.
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The Suffering of the Palestinian Child under the Israeli Occupation