The book studies the experience of the Palestinian Muslim Brothers (MB) in Gaza Strip (GS) in the 1949–1967 period, and the emergence of the Palestinian MB movement, and its expansion to include the Palestinians in the Arab countries, except for Jordan.
This book is an academic study that was subject to the conditions and methods of scientific research. It has endeavored to collect the information from original sources as much as possible, benefiting considerably from oral history. The main chapters of this book were peer-reviewed and scientifically approved.
This book consists of five chapters: the first chapter depicts the general Palestinian situation and analyzes the MB movement and its role in the 1948 war. Chapter two discusses the Palestinian MB movement in GS during the 1949–1956 period, while chapter three covers the movement during the 1957–1967 period. Chapter four’s focus is the MB military action during the 1949–1956 period, while chapter five discusses the Palestinian MB role in the establishment of the Fatah movement.
We hope that this book will be received as a qualitative addition to the scientific studies that relate to Pales tine and its issues.
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The Palestinian Muslim Brothers 1949-1967