The Suffering of the Palestinian Woman under the Israeli Occupation
توفر الكتاب: متوفر
يشحن في غضون:
المصدر: لبنان
As a part of "Am I not a human?" series, this book focuses on the Israeli occupation violations of the rights of the Palestinian People. This occurs at a time when the whole world claims to defend the human being’s rights, dignity, and freedom to live in peace in his home land; but it is, never the less, completely indifferent towards what is happening to the dispossessed and oppressed Palestinians.
This book is about the exceptional suffering of an exceptional icon, the Palestinian woman under the Israeli occupation, where her normal role as a caregiver is burdened with inestimable additional challenges. She is the mother, the wife, the sister, the nurse, the teacher, and the supporter of the various individuals in a society under the occupation.
تفاصيل الإصدار
دار النشر مركز الزيتونة للدراسات والاستشارات
المترجم Itani Itani
سنة النشر 2010
الترقيم الدولي 9789953500508
اللغة إنكليزي
عدد الصفحات 112
عدد الأجزاء 1
الغلاف ورقي
القياس 12x17
توفر الكتاب: متوفر
يشحن في غضون:
المصدر: لبنان

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