A young dinosaur named Arlo develops an unlikely friendship with Spot. While traveling through a harsh and mysterious landscape, Arlo learns the power of confronting his fears and discovers what he is truly capable of.
A young dinosaur named Arlo develops an unlikely friendship with Spot. While traveling through a harsh and mysterious landscape, Arlo learns the power of confronting his fears and discovers what he is truly capable of.
The son of the king of animals, Simba, is destined to one day take his father’s place on the throne. But his nasty uncle, Scar, dreams of becoming king instead of Simba, and he is ready to do anything for his dream to come true. Will Simba be able to...
The son of the king of animals, Simba, is destined to one day take his father’s place on the throne. But his nasty uncle, Scar, dreams of becoming king instead of Simba, and he is ready to do anything for his dream to come true. Will Simba be able to...