The Waking Crescent follows the journey of Kaya through Ancient Egypt. After the devastation of losing her husband to the yearly flooding, she sets out on a journey in an attempt to find a new home, only to realize that her journey is one of...
The Waking Crescent follows the journey of Kaya through Ancient Egypt. After the devastation of losing her husband to the yearly flooding, she sets out on a journey in an attempt to find a new home, only to realize that her journey is one of...
I know it’s not mine To ask for a minute of your time, But if you can find it to be ‘fine’ Then this may be deemed a worthy rhyme. I won’t take hours From you, I promise. Yet, I gave hours For you, I wrote this. Because it’s...
I know it’s not mine To ask for a minute of your time, But if you can find it to be ‘fine’ Then this may be deemed a worthy rhyme. I won’t take hours From you, I promise. Yet, I gave hours For you, I wrote this. Because it’s...
This door is open for you, calling you into a realm of words, welcoming you to a familiar place, a place that is far away from here, a place that speaks on your behalf, a place that explores the depth and surface of your soul. So come in through this door,...
This door is open for you, calling you into a realm of words, welcoming you to a familiar place, a place that is far away from here, a place that speaks on your behalf, a place that explores the depth and surface of your soul. So come in through this door,...
Friends constantly asked the author for advice as though she is a relationship expert. Although she is far from it, she decided to portray the emotions numerous females experience and the discoveries that shone at the end of their tunnels through poetry and...
Friends constantly asked the author for advice as though she is a relationship expert. Although she is far from it, she decided to portray the emotions numerous females experience and the discoveries that shone at the end of their tunnels through poetry and...
We live in a world where society agrees that a degree in a certain field and a job with fixed pay is all you need to live a successful, stress-free life. A Young Investor with an Engineering Degree challenges this dogma and explains in simple terms why a...
We live in a world where society agrees that a degree in a certain field and a job with fixed pay is all you need to live a successful, stress-free life. A Young Investor with an Engineering Degree challenges this dogma and explains in simple terms why a...