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English French Spanish German Dictionary
الكاتب: Alexander Arguelles
This dictionary is not a mere wordlist, as are most multilingual “dictionaries” It is: Extensive – indeed, is the most extensive comparative dicti... onary of major western languages ever compiled, containing 21,860 English headwords with corresponding entries in French, Spanish, and German. Selective – the core of this dictionary is comprised of a thorough and systematic compilation of word frequency studies in all four languages. Detailed – all entries include...

This dictionary is not a mere wordlist, as are most multilingual “dictionaries” It is: Extensive – indeed, is the most extensive comparative dicti... onary of major western languages ever compiled, containing 21,860 English headwords with corresponding entries in French, Spanish, and German. Selective – the core of this dictionary is comprised of a thorough and systematic compilation of word frequency studies in all four languages. Detailed – all entries include all necessary information for the correct use of words, such as: 1) grammatical classification of parts of speech. 2) Gender. 3) Indications of irregular verbal conjugation or plural noun formation. 4) Prepositions or grammatical cases that must be used with a given word. Thematic, 1) all words are accomplished by an entry that indicates their placement in an extensive thematic classificatory scheme. 2) Most words are accomplished by synonyms that serve both to define them and to set them apart from other possible usages of the same words. Expandable. 1) This dictionary can be easily reorganized so that French, Spanish, or German will be the alphabetical search language for headwords. 2) The thematic classificatory scheme can likewise be accessed as the search category. 3- This dictionary can serve as the core of a truly international dictionary – complete sets of entries have already been complied for both Russian and Korean, and Arabic will be added in the near future.



الترقيم الدولي: 9953860564
سنة النشر: 2006
اللغة: عربي
عدد الصفحات: 735
عدد الأجزاء: 1
الغلاف: Cardboard Hardcover
الحجم: 17x24
الوزن: 1270g


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