Avant leur diaspora est un voyage visuel dans la vie en Palestine avant le partage de 1948. Chaque aspect important de l'histoire palestinienne contemporaine devient vivant dans les presque 500 photographies soigneusement sélectionnées parmi les milliers...
Avant leur diaspora est un voyage visuel dans la vie en Palestine avant le partage de 1948. Chaque aspect important de l'histoire palestinienne contemporaine devient vivant dans les presque 500 photographies soigneusement sélectionnées parmi les milliers...
Before Their Diaspora is a visual journey into life in Palestine before its partition in 1948. Every important aspect of modern Palestinian history comes to life in the nearly 500 photographs carefully selected from thousands obtained from private and public...
Before Their Diaspora is a visual journey into life in Palestine before its partition in 1948. Every important aspect of modern Palestinian history comes to life in the nearly 500 photographs carefully selected from thousands obtained from private and public...
In this research, Walid Khalidi provides an overview of the Gulf crisis which erupted in the Summer of 1990, and addresses vital questions relating to its origins and consequences, such as: what caused Iraq to occupy Kuwait? Why do some Arab ...
In this research, Walid Khalidi provides an overview of the Gulf crisis which erupted in the Summer of 1990, and addresses vital questions relating to its origins and consequences, such as: what caused Iraq to occupy Kuwait? Why do some Arab ...
The Middle East Postwar Environment examines the psychological, military, and political fallout of the Gulf war and the reactions to it of the region's principal actors. In this sequel to The Gulf Crisis: Origins and Consequences, the author demonstrates how...
The Middle East Postwar Environment examines the psychological, military, and political fallout of the Gulf war and the reactions to it of the region's principal actors. In this sequel to The Gulf Crisis: Origins and Consequences, the author demonstrates how...
Ce hors série de la Revue d'études palestiniennes s'inscrit dans le cadre de la commémoration du cinquantenaire des événements de 1948. Dans cet ouvrage, Walid Khalidi réussit le pari de narrer une histoire complexe, noyée sous d'innombrables clichés...
Ce hors série de la Revue d'études palestiniennes s'inscrit dans le cadre de la commémoration du cinquantenaire des événements de 1948. Dans cet ouvrage, Walid Khalidi réussit le pari de narrer une histoire complexe, noyée sous d'innombrables clichés...
Located on Bab al-Silsilah Road near al-Haram al-Sharif, the Khalidiyah Library is housed in one of the oldest Mameluke structures in the Old City. The Khalidiyah is the largest and one of the most important private Islamic manuscript libraries in the world...
Located on Bab al-Silsilah Road near al-Haram al-Sharif, the Khalidiyah Library is housed in one of the oldest Mameluke structures in the Old City. The Khalidiyah is the largest and one of the most important private Islamic manuscript libraries in the world...