The pocket dictionary "MOTKAN AL TOLLAB", was interntionally complied to satify the new needs of the Arab and Western Worlds as regards instant tr... anslation. It is a door that every stutdent, educated person or translator should have near him as a ready...
The pocket dictionary "MOTKAN AL TOLLAB", was interntionally complied to satify the new needs of the Arab and Western Worlds as regards instant tr... anslation. It is a door that every stutdent, educated person or translator should have near him as a ready...
It is a concise dictionary containing words commonly used in the English language, prepared to help as an easily carried reference book for studen... ts, teachers, and all those searching for the exact meaning of meanings of English idioms in the English...
It is a concise dictionary containing words commonly used in the English language, prepared to help as an easily carried reference book for studen... ts, teachers, and all those searching for the exact meaning of meanings of English idioms in the English...