This dictionary have many features that distinguishes it from others since it has: over 200.000 entries and definitions; over 8.000 new words and meaning; up - to - date, authoritative and comprehensive; incorporates modern scientific and technical terms;...
This dictionary have many features that distinguishes it from others since it has: over 200.000 entries and definitions; over 8.000 new words and meaning; up - to - date, authoritative and comprehensive; incorporates modern scientific and technical terms;...
Excerpt from Flora of Syria, Palestine, and Sinai: From the Taurus to Ras Muhammad, and From the Mediterranean Sea to the Syrian Desert
The following plants have mostly been discovered since the printing of the Flora was commenced in 1883. Among...
Excerpt from Flora of Syria, Palestine, and Sinai: From the Taurus to Ras Muhammad, and From the Mediterranean Sea to the Syrian Desert
The following plants have mostly been discovered since the printing of the Flora was commenced in 1883. Among...